Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Praise the Lord!!!

I had my 13 week doctor appointment yesterday, they did an ultra sound.  Baby is growing great!  last week it was measuring 12w 3days. when I was exactly 12w.  Yesterday at exactly 13 weeks baby was measuring at 14w!  No wonder my clothes suddenly felt tighter and my belly was hurting! Well at this ultra sound they were unable to find the bleeds!!!! Praise the Lord! I am now off bed rest. I now just have to take it slow, no lifting, and make sure I rest every day, because the bleeds have been known to come back. I know this may sound crazy to some of you but I am so looking forward to cleaning my own house !!!!! My sister and hubby have been a huge blessing but it will be so nice to be able to wash my own laundry!  Also the wonderful ladies who helped with making meals for my family, thank you it was a huge help!!


Unknown said...

Congratulations!!! I totally know what it feels like to want to clean your own house!!

Lynette Van said...

Praise the Lord!! Ashley, this is great news and something that I have prayed for. I will continue to pray for you and baby. Can't wait to meet "Baby Turner".

I love you!